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Allmach Compassion Fund - A helping hand

The Allmach Compassion Fund extends support to those who are suffering from circumstances outside their control and need a compassionate Helping Hand to overcome adversity.
Each month, we pledge support to a cause chosen by the Allmach team, which underpins our team values, and helps those who need a helping hand with disaster relief, health and mental wellbeing.

February 2025: Bear Cottage and Humming Bird House

Sydney's Bear Cottage and Brisbane's Hummingbird House are two of only three childrens hospices
in Australia. These hospices aim to meet the physical, emotional, social and spirutal needs of children
with life-limiting condtions, and supports them to live their life to its fullest.
Visit Bear Cottage's site here and Visit Hummingbird Houses site here.

January 2025: Rapid Relief Team

The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is equipped to step in at a moment’s notice in the event of Australia's
natural disasters including bushfires, droughts, floods and cyclones. RRT step in to support
emergency services with quality food and refreshments, and provide tangible support to those affected.
Learn more here.

December 2024: Surf LifeSaving

Surf Life Saving (SLS) Australia is Australia’s peak coastal water safety, drowning prevention and
rescue authority. SLS takes a risk management and evidence based approach to coastal safety to ensure
appropriate public education programs. Their strategies and lifesaving services are in place to address coastal
safety issues, including known drowning blackspots in order to achieve the Australian Water Safety
Strategy goal reducing coastal drowning deaths.
(Visit their site here)

November 2024: RRT - Food Box

RRT Food Box to act as an emergency food bank for people and families in need, as well as supports people
from low socio-economic backgrounds, and those in crisis. (Visit their website here)

October 2024: Mates4Mates

At Mates4Mates, veterans and their families can find a way forward from service-related
injuries. We understand the challenges they face and provide support proven to make a real difference.
(Visit their website here)

September 2024: R U OK? Day

This month, Allmach's Helping Hand is donating funds to support R U OK?, a charity encouraging
people to stay connected and have conversations that help others through difficult times in their lives.
(Visit their website here)

August 2024: Salvation Army

This month the Allmach's Helping Hand is donating funds to support Salvation Army's Disaster & Emergency
Appeal that provides financial, material, emotional support after Australian disasters. (Visit their website here)

July 2024: RRT - Essentials Box

This month, Allmach's Helping Hand is donating funds to support RRT's Essentials Box which gifts people
displaced by crisis the essentials they need to pull through a tough time. (Visit their website here)

June 2024: Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provides information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone
in Australia. (Visit their website here)

May 2024: Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)

The RFDS is a national, charitable, health organisation delivering primary healthcare and 24-hour
emergency services for those that live in rural and remote Australia. (Visit their site here)

April 2024: Unicef Australia

Vaccines act as a shield, protecting children and newborn babies from life-threatening diseases and saving
up to 3 million lives each year. (Visit their site here)

March 2024: Mates in Construction

MATES in construction is an integrated industry intervention program that: Raises awareness of suicide as a
preventable problem. (Visit their site here)

February 2024: Bear Cottage and Humming Bird House

Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in NSW – a very special place that’s dedicated to caring for children
with life-limiting conditions. (Visit their site here)

Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice and one of only three children’s hospices in
Australia. (Visit their site here).

January 2024: RRT's emergency and Disaster relief

This month, Allmach's Helping Hand is donating funds to RRT's Emergency & Disaster Relief.
RRT provide support for emergency services and those who have been left
devastated in natural disasters. (Visit their site here)

December 2023: Surf LifeSaving

This month the Allmach's Helping Hand is donating funds to support Surf Life Saving's drowning
prevention and rescue services. Surf Life Saving (SLS) is Australia’s peak coastal water safety,
drowning prevention and rescue authority.
(Visit their site here)

November 2023: Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)

The RFDS is a national, charitable, health organisation delivering primary healthcare and 24-hour
emergency services for those that live in rural and remote Australia. (Visit their site here)

October 2023: RUOK

RRT Food Box is designed to act as an emergency food bank for people and families in need, and
now supports people from low socio-economic backgrounds, and those in crisis. (Visit their site here)

Septemeber 2023: RRT Food Box

RRT Food Box is designed to act as an emergency food bank for people and families in need, and now
supports people from low socio-economic backgrounds, and those in crisis. (Visit their site here)

August 2023: Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provides information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention for everyone
in Australia. (Visit their website here)

July 2023: Rapid Relief Team

RRT (Rapid Relief Team) Relief Fund delivers hope and relief to people across the globe. Whether it be fire,
flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the need at hand. (Visit their site here)

June 2023: Unicef Australia

Vaccines act as a shield, protecting children and newborn babies from life-threatening diseases and saving
up to 3 million lives each year. (Visit their site here)

May 2023: Mates in Construction

MATES in construction is an integrated industry intervention program that: Raises awareness of suicide as a
preventable problem. (Visit their site here)

The Allmach 6K Team Challenge for Charity

Join us in providing the gift of clean water for Tanzania’s children! The challenge will be launched on 14th April
2023. Learn more Here

April 2023: Bear Cottage and Humming Bird House

Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in NSW – a very special place that’s dedicated to caring for children
with life-limiting conditions. (Visit their site here)

Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice and one of only three children’s hospices in
Australia. (Visit their site here).

March 2023: Mates4Mates

Mates4Mates is an Australian Defence Force Veterans Charity supporting veterans and their families suffering
from service related injuries. (Visit their site here)

February 2023: RRT Emergency Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes the Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is equipped to step in at a moment’s notice, and support emergency
services with quality food and refreshments, and provide tangible support to those affected.
(Visit their site here)

December 2022: Surf LifeSaving

Surf Life Saving Australia is Australia’s peak coastal water safety, drowning prevention and rescue authority.
(Visit their site here)

November 2022: Royal Flying Doctors service

The Royal Flying Doctor Service brings emergency medical and primary health services to those areas that
don’t have access and make it possible for people to live, work and travel across this large continent.
(Visit their site here)

October 2022: RRT Operation 322

In response to the unfolding crisis in Ukraine, RRT launched Operation 322 to deliver emergency food and
personal care supplies to those displaced. (Visit their site here)